Thomas Hibbs
Thomas Hibbs
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Pundicity: Informed Opinion and Review

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A guide for political detox

June 8, 2024  •  The Dallas Morning News

"Our politics is sick," writes Michael Wear in his new book, The Spirit of Our Politics, in an observation that seems difficult to refute.

If polls are any indication, Americans, facing the upcoming presidential election with a deep sense of foreboding, are sick of our politics. There's even a name for this affliction: election stress disorder. Is there anything we can do about our exhaustion with the toxic elements in our political culture, which seems to intrude into all aspects of our lives?

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Encounters with the Counter-Cultural Power of Silence

April 11, 2024  •  Church Life Journal

The philosopher Pascal once quipped, "All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone." Pascal's deliberate hyperbole contains a truth that is perhaps more evident in our time than in his. While we seem to find ourselves more alone and more lonely than in previous generations, we are hardly quiet or at rest. We seem addicted to lives of endless distraction, especially on screens, an addiction that makes us less capable of being silent, still, and attentive.

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This Christmas movie is really about suicide, mental health and... hope

December 16, 2023  •  The Dallas Morning News

While debate continues over whether Die Hard is a Christmas movie, there seems little doubt that the classic film It's a Wonderful Life deserves that classification. The film has long been a staple of TV viewing during the holidays, in part because its copyright protection lapsed in the 1970s and the film entered the public domain. Released in 1947, it has just passed the three-quarter century mark. Yet the film, directed by the great Frank Capra and starring Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, was a box office flop.

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Helping college students launch

August 26, 2023  •  The Dallas Morning News

In a lecture on career and calling as part of a Baylor summer program in Washington D.C., George Mason University psychology professor Lauren Kuykendall stressed to the undergraduates in the audience the limits of introspection in discerning future paths for their lives. It turns out that gaining self-knowledge is a lot more difficult than we think, and figuring out career and calling is more a matter of trial and error, and learning from others, than it is just looking inside ourselves.

There's a lot of concern about today's youth. Much of it has to do with what might be called the failure to launch, a sense that today's youth are taking a lot longer to become independent adults.

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Jacques Maritain and Art for Beauty's Sake

April 28, 2023  •  Acton Institute

Today we remember a profound thinker who continues to remind us of the danger of instrumentalized art in the service of merely ideological ends—and the role of hospitality, personal influence, in the upholding of truth.

"On this particular day ... we had just said to one another that if our nature was so unhappy as to possess only a pseudo-intelligence capable of everything but the truth, if, sitting in judgment on itself, it had to debase itself to such a point, then we could neither think nor act with any dignity. In that case everything became absurd—and impossible to accept."

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Books by Thomas Hibbs

Cover of Rouault-Fujimura: Soliloquies Cover of Arts of Darkness Cover of Aquinas, Ethics, and Philosophy of Religion Cover of Virtue's Splendor Cover of Shows About Nothing Cover of Dialectic Narrative In Aquinas

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